Das Paper Weber, M. (2008): Open Innovation with Customers in Financial Services wurde auf der von mir initiierten dritten Konferenz zu Mass Customization and Open Innovation MCP-CE 2008 vorgestellt. In seiner Präsentation hat Marcel Weber gezeigt, dass Open Innovation auch in der Finanzbranche umgesetzt werden kann. Abstract: The Dutch Financial (FS) Services industry is known for its variety and diversity in financial products and services, that have been created and developed by firms themselves. Customer involvement in the development of new products was something very unusual, because of its risk and because consumers consider financial matters as complex and not exciting at all. However, Dutch FS firms are slowly becoming aware of the potential to create new products and services with the participation of their customers, leading to products and services that are really wanted and needed by consumers. Two cases of firms that have taken this first step to involve their customers in this co-creation will be discussed.”